Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Irish Soda Bread

This week's recipe challenge for Baking with Julia was simple and quick.  This recipe had 4 ingredients:  flour, baking soda, salt, and buttermilk.  I added dried cranberries to make it more appealing to my family.  They all liked it.  Will make this one again.  All the other baker's links are here LYL: Irish Soda Bread and the hosts' blogs have the recipe.


  1. Your bread looks great! I'll have to use dried fruit the next time I make it.

  2. The cranberries give it a nice touch! Looks tasty.

  3. I used raisins this time, but I'm thinking I need to try cranberries next time.

  4. We added cranberries to ours too :-)
    Looks good.
